Why won’t my dash cam turn on?

If you’ve ever turned on your car’s dashboard camera only to find that it won’t turn on, you’re not alone. Dashboard cameras are typically designed to turn on when the vehicle is started automatically, but sometimes these devices just don’t seem to work.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common causes and how to fix them.

Why Won’t My Dash Cam Turn On

Why won’t my dash cam turn on?

Lack of power:

Lack Of Power

A lack of power is one common reason that dash cams may stop working. A number of factors, such as a dead battery, a faulty power adapter, or a problem with the cigarette lighter socket in your vehicle, can cause this.

If a battery powers your dash cam, it may simply need to be replaced. If the battery is old or has been used for a long time, it may no longer be able to hold a charge. You may also want to try charging the battery outside of the dash cam to see if it will hold a charge.

If a power adapter powers your dash cam, it is possible that the adapter is not working correctly. Try plugging the adapter into another outlet to see if it will work. If the adapter is still not working, you may need to replace it.

If your dash cam is powered by the cigarette lighter socket in your vehicle, it is possible that the socket is not working correctly. Try plugging something else into the socket, such as a phone charger, to see if it will work. If the socket is still not working, you may need to have it replaced.

Dirty lens:

Dirty Lens

If your dash cam lens is still blurry after cleaning, the problem may lie with the camera itself. In this case, it’s best to consult your camera’s manual or contact the manufacturer for assistance. If your dash cam’s footage is blurry, it’s most likely due to a dirty lens.

Here’s how you can clean it and get your camera back to recording crystal-clear videos.

Cameras, both digital and analog, need clean lenses to function correctly. A dirty lens will cause a number of problems, including blurry images, poor video quality, and even a “foggy” effect.

Fortunately, cleaning a dash cam’s lens is a pretty straightforward process. All you need is a soft, dry cloth and some lens cleaning solution. To clean your dash cam’s lens, start by gently wiping it with a soft cloth.

If there’s any residue or build-up on the lens, you can use the lens cleaning solution to remove it. Once you’ve cleaned the lens, be sure to store your dash cam in a safe place where it won’t be exposed to dirt or debris. This will help keep the lens clean and prevent future problems.

SD Card Error:

SD Card Error

If you’re having trouble with your dash cam not turning on, it could be due to a number of different reasons. One possibility is that your SD card is complete, and the camera is unable to overwrite the oldest files.

This can happen if you’re using a lower-quality SD card or if you’re recording very high-quality video. SD cards are a great way to store data, but they can sometimes fill up quickly. This can be a problem if you’re trying to use the SD card to store data for a dash cam, as the camera will need to overwrite the oldest files to make room for new ones.

There are a few reasons why an SD card might fill up rather than overwriting the oldest files. One possibility is that the card is set to read-only mode. This mode prevents any new data from being written to the card, so the camera will continue to save new files without overwriting the old ones.

Another possibility is that the SD card is corrupted and can no longer save new data. This can happen if the card is removed from the camera while it is writing data or if the camera is turned off while it is writing data. If the SD card is corrupted, it will need to be replaced.

Unstable connection:

Unstable Connection

If you’re having trouble getting your dash cam to turn on, it could be due to an unstable connection. There are a few things that could cause this:

The most common reason is that the power cord is not plugged in correctly. Make sure that the cord is plugged into the dash cam and into a power outlet. It means to make sure that the connection is tight and secure.

Another possibility is that the cigarette lighter adapter is not plugged in correctly. This can happen if the adapter is loose or if the cigarette lighter socket is damaged. If you’re using an external battery pack, make sure that it is correctly connected to the dash cam.

If none of the above solutions work, it’s possible that there is a problem with the dash cam itself. Try resetting the dash cam by holding down the power button for 10 seconds. If this doesn’t work, you may need to contact the manufacturer.

Why Does the Dash Cam Touch Screen Not Work?

One possibility is that there is a problem with the dash cam’s firmware. If this is the case, you may be able to fix the problem by updating the firmware.

Another possibility is that there is a problem with the LCD screen. This is a more serious issue and will likely require you to replace the dash cam.

If you’re having trouble with your dash cam’s touch screen, the first thing you should do is check the firmware version. If it’s out of date, you can try updating it. If that doesn’t work, or you’re unsure how to update the firmware, you can contact the dash cam’s manufacturer for assistance.

You’ll need to replace the LCD screen if the problem is with it. This is a more complex and expensive fix, but it’s the only way to guarantee that the problem will be resolved.


If your dash cam does not turn on, it may be due to a number of reasons, including a dead battery, poor connection, or a defective camera. Always check the battery and make sure there is a good connection between the power supply and the camera. If all else fails, consider replacing the camera.

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