Who installs dash cams? (How much does it cost)

There are a variety of reasons why people might choose to install a dash cam. Some might use them as a way to record events that occur while they’re driving in the event that something unexpected happens while they’re on the road.

Others might use them as a security measure in case of an accident or other upset encounters. At the same time, some others use them as a fun way to document their lives.

Who Installs Dash Cams

Who installs dash cams?

Installing a dash cam may seem daunting, but anyone can do it with the right information and tools. Dash cams have become increasingly popular in recent years as they provide drivers with an added layer of protection on the road.

However, before jumping into installing a dash cam, there are a few things that you should know.

Firstly, it’s important to understand who installs dash cams. While some people choose to have their dash cam professionally installed, many drivers opt to install the device themselves. If you’re comfortable working with electronics and following instructions carefully, then installing a dash cam on your own shouldn’t be too difficult.

Another important factor to consider when installing a dash cam is where you want it placed in your vehicle. Most commonly, drivers place their dash cams behind their rearview mirror or on their dashboards for optimal viewing angles.

Moreover, Make sure you choose the right type of dash cam for your needs. There are many different models available, with various features such as night vision, GPS tracking, and motion detection.

Consider what features will be most useful to you before making a purchase. Next, read the installation instructions carefully and gather all necessary tools before beginning. Depending on the specific model, you may need wire cutters, electrical tape, and other supplies.

Do you need a professional to install a dash cam?


The truth is that dash cams do not need to be professionally installed. Installing a dash cam in your car is a simple and straightforward process that can be done by anyone with basic knowledge of electrical wiring.

Most dash cams come with an easy-to-follow manual that includes step-by-step instructions on how to install the device. In addition, plenty of online tutorials and videos are available that provide detailed guidance on installing a dash cam yourself.

You don’t need any special tools or equipment; you only need a screwdriver and some wiring connectors. Installing a dash cam yourself not only saves you money but also gives you the freedom to customize the installation according to your preferences.

You can choose where to place the camera and how it should be mounted without having to rely on professional help. While you don’t necessarily need a professional to install your dash cam, there are some benefits to having one installed by an experienced technician.

How much does it cost to install a dash cam?

How Much Does It Cost To Install A Dash Cam?

Dash cams have become a popular accessory for cars, providing drivers with an added sense of security and protection on the road. But many drivers are unsure about how much they should spend on dash cam installation.

The good news is that dash cam installation should typically cost between $35 and $50. While this price can vary depending on factors such as the type of vehicle you have and where you live, this range is generally considered reasonable.

Factors that can influence the cost of installation include the type of camera being installed, as well as any additional features or accessories required for proper operation. Some dash cams require hard wiring into a vehicle’s electrical system, which may increase overall costs.

Professional installers can ensure that your dash cam is properly integrated with your car’s existing systems and provide you with peace of mind knowing it was done correctly.
While some drivers may choose to install their dash cams themselves to save money, it is important to consider the potential risks associated with amateur installations.

How many ways to install a dash cam?

How Many Ways To Install A Dash Cam?

If you’re looking to install a dash cam in your car, you might be wondering how many ways there are to do it. Fortunately, there are three main methods of installing a dash cam that you can choose from depending on your preferences and the type of vehicle you have.

  • Cigarette lighter socket installation method.
  • Hardwire to fuse box installation method.
  • OBD port installation method.

Cigarette lighter socket installation method:

Cigarette Lighter Socket

One of the most common ways is to plug the dash cam’s power cable into the cigarette lighter socket in your car. This method is especially popular because it’s quick, easy and doesn’t require any additional wiring or tools.

To install your dash cam using this method, all you need to do is locate the cigarette lighter socket in your car’s dashboard and plug in the power cable for your dash cam. Once you’ve done this, simply mount the camera on your windshield or dashboard as per its instructions, and you’re ready to start recording.

It’s important to note that not all cars have cigarette lighter sockets that are suitable for powering a dash cam. Some older models may only have a 5V output which is insufficient for most modern cameras.

Hard wire to fuse box installation method:

Hard Wire

One of these is the hard wire to fuse box installation method, which involves connecting the device directly to your car’s electrical system. Due to its many advantages, this approach has become increasingly popular among dash cam users.

First and foremost, hard wiring your dash cam ensures that it receives a constant power supply from your vehicle’s battery. This means that you don’t have to worry about running out of battery or having to recharge the device frequently.

In addition, this installation method eliminates the need for unsightly cables hanging down from your windshield and obstructing your view of the road.

Another benefit of hard wiring your dash cam is that it provides added security against theft. Since the device is connected directly to your car’s wiring system, it cannot be easily removed without knowledge of how it was installed.

OBD port installation method:

OBD Port

There are various ways to install a dash cam, and one of them is through the OBD port installation method. This technique involves plugging in the device directly into the vehicle’s onboard diagnostics (OBD) port, which makes it a simple plug-and-play method.

The OBD port installation method has become increasingly popular among drivers because it requires minimal effort and can be done without professional help. The process involves locating the OBD port on your vehicle, which is usually located under the steering wheel or dashboard. Once you have located it, simply plug in your dash cam and wait for it to power up.


Installing a dash cam is a great way to protect yourself and your car. Anyone can do it. They are installed by drivers and passengers alike for both personal and legal protection.

For drivers, dash cams can help identify the fault in driving, help prove an accident wasn’t your fault, and provide evidence in a court of law.

For passengers, dash cams can provide a visual record of what happened during a car accident, help protect against insurance claims made by the other party, and protect yourself from possible criminal charges.

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